Club Highlights: Book Club and Bakeology Toby Fontana, June 3, 2024 Do you want to join a club but are unsure of what your options are? Well, the new column ClubHighlights seeks to rectify this issue, giving curious Vistamar students insight into what to expectfrom clubs on campus. For this issue, the two clubs interviewed were Book Club and Bakeology.Here’s what they had to say: For Book Club I interviewed Kara Helmstetter, one of the club’s leaders. Book Club meets everyother week in Ms. U’s room (105), and—as it says in the name—they read books! The clubtypically reads fantasy and fiction books, and this year have read Cemetery Boys, Girls WithSharp Sticks, A Darker Shade of Magic, and are currently working on their final book, The Bookof Night. The club is low-stakes, and they’re always open to new members—the onlyrequirement is that you enjoy reading. If you want to get involved, email either of theleaders—Kara or Gigi Spiegler—or the staff leader Ms. Ukolowicz. They send out an emailwhenever they’re starting a new book, so if you see one, it’s a good time to jump in! I interviewed Sonni Davidson for Bakeology. In Bakeology, the members get together to bake,watch baking shows, and eat desserts! They meet either in the Viking Commons or in Mr. Miot’sroom once a month. The club is always open to new members and would love to have morepeople at their baking meetings. You don’t need prior knowledge of baking to join—the leadersdo most of the prep at home, and the last few steps are completed in the club itself. The best partis all the free food: in the past, Bakeology has made cookies, tarts, turnovers, cupcakes, and theytry to switch it up for every new meeting. If that’s not enough impetus to want to join, they planto possibly do a field trip next year to a bakery. If any of this sounds fun to you, reach out toSonni to get involved! That’s all for this issue’s Club Highlights. If you are involved with or lead a club and want to behighlighted in an issue next year, please reach out to me at my email! Features School News